Monday, August 6, 2012

The Death Note of U9


  1. "I'm going to randomly kill the next two people I see!" xD
    Love it!
    (Back to Google; they have already taken my soul anyway and there I have an avatar.)

    1. Thanks I also have a Kai version ready for this special. It'll end up much better than U1 Kai I hope!

      I never heard of OpenID, TypePad, and LiveJournal before here. I assume they're other blog sites. There should've been an option for Yahoo or MSN/hotmail. I guess because blogspot is owned by Google they don't want to promote other email sites.

    2. Looking forward to that. I guess this special provides a lot more comedic potential than the U1 special and there should be more material available of the characters in general.

      I knew of OpenID before, but never got around to create one. I just recently noticed there automatically comes one with a launchpad account, so I decided to try it. The others seem to be blogging services similar to this one.
      About Yahoo/hotmail: I don't know if those offer a suitable interface for other sites to use. I've never seen any that offer to login with those.
      I also don't see why they have AIM and not ICQ. I don't know anyone who uses AIM...
      Just noticed the Name/URL option. Has that always been there?^^"

    3. >Looking forward to that. I guess this special provides a lot more comedic potential than the U1 special and there should be more material available of the characters in general.
      Yea I really like the artwork but some of the situations could be made into some good parodies.

      >Just noticed the Name/URL option. Has that always been there?^^"
      Yea I took off the Anonymous commenting option but when I did it also removed the Name/URL option. I stopped getting comments except from people with Google so I just put it back. It would be nice to disable those other sites but there doesn't seem to be an option for it.

    4. I don't expect you to be short on ideas for this one, seeing as you already did some parodies^^

      Then I must have missed that, when I struggled to get a name to my comments^^"
      I see why you want to disable anonymous comments, but why do you want to disable other sites?

  2. really pissing myself right now...dude, awesome :D
