Friday, August 24, 2012

Gast & Palz: Episode 11 - Plan to Eradicate (One) Saiyan


  1. *reads* "... hitchhiking down a long and lonesome road... OMG it's Tenacious D!" *sings along in head*

    Zail still doesn't remember Coola.
    "Called it" was hilarious as well^^

    Nice to see a different pose from Cui, it was fitting as well^^ (Yay, teamwork!)

    Gohan was totally unexpected. I have no idea where that is going^^"

    All in all, great episode again. Keep it up!^^

    1. Thanks! I had a feeling you would be a fellow Tenacious D fan! It's always fun to include a reference or two.

    2. How did you guess that?^^"

      Yeah, shout outs are fun (if you get them) ^^

    3. >How did you guess that?^^"
      I'm not sure. I reminded you knew the Squidward reference so I thought you'd probably get this one too. It's sad that Tenacious D didn't make more albums =(.

      There were a few other references in there. The Kanassian's line "I'm a rapist and repeated prison escapist" was from Eminem's As The World Turns. It's kind of an older song so I don't think anyone got it. Then on page 5 there was a reference to the Ancient Alien meme. His hands and the way he had his hair reminded me of that guy.

    4. Funny, you were right^^
      They did make one this year, didn't they? But yeah, it was a long wait for that.

      As for the other references: The Eminem one I didn't notice at all, since I don't know the song. At the aliens part, I was quite sure it must be some kind of meme I've heard of before, but I couldn't remember it. (It was funny on it's own, but the reference makes it even better.)

    5. >They did make one this year, didn't they? But yeah, it was a long wait for that.
      I know but it was so long between the album releases. Another movie would've been cool. Cage had a cameo in Year One but it was really short.

      This was the Alien meme guy:
      Doesn't he look like that Ghost guy? Well I think he does.

    6. Yeah, they certainly take their time for their albums. Maybe it is more like a hobby to them, since they do quite a bunch of other stuff as well.
      I don't think they plan to ever make another movie. It would be epic indeed, but they weren't very successful with The Pick of Destiny, were they?

      Yes, after you told me, I looked it up and he does indeed resemble that ghost guy. As I said, the reference made it even funnier.^^
      I had also seen instances of the meme before, but wasn't familiar with it's origins (or maybe I read about it someday, but completely forgot about it^^").

    7. Yea I don't think Pick of Destiny did so well. I read the budget was $20 million and it made only $13 million at the box office. Well I liked it!

    8. Well, I thought it was great, it's just not the kind of movie most non-fans will like^^"

  2. LOL, Gohan's back biches (yes, that's spelled incorrectly on purpose)!!

  3. Ha!so this is how Gast meets cell. this gohan looks like hes been through a lot though... look at those eyes.

    1. Ah, of course, the Cyborgs on earth, that's why he's there. Thanks^^"

    2. Well Gast will eventually meet Cell but anytime soon. We'll find out why in the next episode!

  4. Goku's dead because of the heart virus, right? So that means 17 and 18 are rampaging the planet. No Trunks, only Gohan
